Beginner Courses for Learning Crypto

Introduction to Cryptocurrencies


Heidi Chakos

Course Overview

Welcome to our comprehensive online course on cryptocurrencies, where we explore the fundamentals, principles, and practical aspects of digital assets. We’ll begin by examining the growing interest in cryptocurrencies and their potential impact on the financial world, tracing the evolving narratives of Bitcoin and its significant price volatility. Understanding cryptocurrencies’ decentralized nature and blockchain technology, we’ll delve into their motivations for creation, addressing shortcomings of traditional fiat currencies and their disruptive potential.

Our course guides you through purchasing cryptocurrencies, covering essential steps like selecting reputable exchanges, understanding payment methods, and practicing security measures. With insights into responsible investing and staying informed about market trends, this course equips you to navigate the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies confidently.

Course Content

  • Lessons 3
  • Enrolled 163
  • Language English
  • Skill Beginner
  • Available Seats 9999837
  • Last Update April 29, 2024